Yesterday I took River to his 2 month appt. He was such a good boy the whole time. The Dr. kept commenting on how well behaved River was :) He had to get his shots too. That was really sad because we laid him on the table and he was talking and smiling, then the first shot went into his little thigh muscle...not to much a reaction...then the second...stops smiling...then the third, fourth and fifth...not a happy camper! His face got all red and he started to cry :( I quickly held him after they were over and he stopped very shortly after. But then when I got him dressed and was putting him into his car seat he gave me this look like "You didn't stop her from hurting me!" it broke my heart. He was a tough kid though.
River's Stats:
Length: 24 1/4" 75%
Weight: 11 lbs. 11 oz. 25%
Head Cir: 40.2 cm. 25%
Cream Fried Eggs
2 days ago
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