Well I can't believe my little baby is turning into a little boy so quickly! River went in this morning for his 15 month check up and these were his stats:
Length: 32 1/4 in. (75%)
Weight: 21 lbs. 14 oz. (25%)
Head Cir: 48 1/4 cm. (75%)
So River has stayed pretty consistent of being tall, skinny and with a big head. :)
There were a few concerns I had about River's eating habits lately. He has gotten to be such a picky eater and sometimes will go a whole day with barely eating anything at all. I was getting a little worried, but the Ped. told me this can be very normal and that River is probably more of a grazer when it comes to food. Eating a few bites here and there throughout the day rather then at meal times. That just makes it a little hard to prepare something and then just have him take a few bites and be done...but I guess we will figure it out.
The Dr. asked if River was saying any words yet and seemed slightly concerned to hear he wasn't talking at all yet. He said he should at least be saying one word. He was very impressed with how personable River was and said he was socially functioning very high for his age. He said he isn't to concerned especially with how high functioning he is socially, but that at his 18 month app. he would probably run some preliminary autistic test on him. He quickly said, I can tell you right now River is not autistic because he is interacting so well with children and adults, but it would just be for the language issue. So, I hope River starts to talk soon so we don't have to do any of the testing. I feel confident that River is not "slow" just taking language at his own pace.
So that is what is up with us as of late...we are going to Farm country tomorrow so I will post the pics from that soon. :)
Maybe he doesn't have anything to say... I think he's an OBSERVER:) and a cutie!
My older brother didn't speak really until he was 4. Now he won't shut up.
At Ethans two year old appointment he wasn't talking AT ALL. I worried about autism for a while. We did a program called Kids on the Move that sends speech therapist to your house to help you. You only pay based in your income, so it's pretty cheap. We found out a few months later that he actually had fluid in his ear, which caused him to practically not be able to hear anything, which is why he didn't talk. He never really got ear infections, the fluid just stayed in there. He got tubes and started talking within a month!! You'd never know now that he had such a significant speech delay.
I wouldn't stress about it at his age, I bet he will be talking before you know it!
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