Trying to get the best one! Which one is it going to be...
I wanted to get some Pumpkins for my front porch and while I was driving (trying to get Riv to take a nap) I saw a house with a yard full of them! When Tony got home I told him I wanted to go pick some up at this house, he told me he had gotten pumpkins there for an activity we did back when we were dating! I thought that was pretty funny that he and I both on our own had found this place :) River got to pick his own and then I got a nice big one, that will be perfect for carving. I also got a cornstalk and put it on my porch too. It looks really festive and totally is getting me in the mood for Fall. I love this time of year :) Some of the treats I plan on making this Fall are:
Apple Cider
Carmel Apples
Sugar Cookies
Pumpkin Roll
Monster Cookies
Carmel Popcorn
Wow! I'm going to get fat! I will be sharing all of these treats so that doesn't happen :) What are some of your Fall time favorite treats?
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