As women there is a lot put on our shoulders! We are expected (either by the world or our own moral compass) to be beautiful, skinny and firm, powerful but soft, career driven, child bearing (without turning into whales), amazing cooks and home keepers, teachers to our children, organized, creative, fun, charitable, devoted wives, missionaries (to our children and others), the best at our church callings, steering our husbands in the right direction, etc...etc...etc...(feel free to add to this list!)
We really are women! Here is the thing, of course you can not be all of these things to everyone or yourself. So, here is my question to all of you amazing women...How do you find the balance?? How do you take care of everyone else without leaving yourself in the dust? (Or vise -versa) I have found myself having a hard time finding this so called balance. Does it exist? Can we really be all that we put on ourselves? Sometimes it leaves my mind racing at night of all the things I am lacking or could do so much better! I truly want to be better in so many ways, but sometimes just end up feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. I know all of us women do this to ourselves, so again I ask what has helped you find your balance in this crazy world??!!