
Monday, April 27, 2009

40 wks. and 3 day update

I went to the Dr. today only to find out that I am only dilated to a one :( It is something though so I can't be to upset. I am effaced to 80-90%. I have another appt. scheduled for Thursday to do a stress test and check my fluid to see how the baby is doing and then from there we will decide what the best route is. I would rather not be induced, and I am hoping that he will just decide that he is ready and will come on his own, even before Thursday! (Here is to hoping!) Tony's b-day is Thursday and he graduates Friday so I was hoping he would be here for those, but who knows. I will let you know if anything changes. Being overdue is no fun!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Due Date!

Today is supposed to be my baby's birthday! I just don't think he got the memo :( haha! I know that most first mom's are late, and I guess that might just be me. Unless, he is planning a sneak attack tonight :) I hope that is the case, but not likely. I have actually been very blessed, I have been really quite comfortable and am still working. The only thing that is really bothering me now is how swollen my ankles, feet and hands get at the end of the day. I mean I have total cankles!! I hate that part, but other then that I'm doing really good. I just want to get labor over with and meet my little guy soon!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

What the Heck!

He may look cute and innocent, but he is not! When I got home today I thought it would be nice to take Teddy out to the grassy area of the complex to play, it has been such a nice day and I thought he would like it. We headed down the stairs and I grabbed a toy of his to play with. I threw the toy out onto the grass for him to go get, but he wouldn't...he just stayed by me. I kept trying to get him to go fetch his toy but he just sat there. So I decided I was going to sit down and enjoy the warmth of the sun. As soon as I sat down Teddy came and peed on me!!! It was literally only like two drops, so I pushed him away and told him to go play with his toy. He went and got the toy and came back and tried to pee on me again!!! What the Heck! What a stupid little animal. I was mad at this point and grabbed him and took him back upstairs, no more "playing" for him! What a crazy little dog. He has actually done this before, Tony and I were outside playing with him and running him around the yard when our neighbors little boy came out to play as well, Teddy ran right up to him and tried to pee on his leg!! The poor little boy didn't know what to do! I ran over and pushed Teddy away, it didn't look like Teddy actually peed on him, but he tried!! How embarrassing the little boys mom saw it too! I told her I was really sorry, she was really nice about it and said it wasn't a big deal. My dog is so stupid!!

39 Week Check Up

I really went to this Dr. appt. not expecting much, and I'm glad I didn't. I have not dilated at all still, but I have effaced 80% so I guess that is something. She told me I just need to start having contractions at this point and then I will start dilating. So I hope that I start contracting soon, I just really don't want to go over due. I know it is very likely that I will, but I just really hope I don't! I do have a few jobs at work I would like to finish up before baby comes so hopefully this will actually be a good thing. I have been extremely tired lately!! I have a feeling that is probably not going to go away and will probably just get worse when he is here. haha! I still really can't believe that I'm going to have a child! It is still so crazy to me...I can't picture it at all!! I am excited to see what he looks like though :) Well I will keep you updated!

Monday, April 13, 2009


Nothing...that is exactly what is going on with my progression to labor! Today I had my 38 wk appt. It was not a very good appt. 1st my appt. was scheduled for 2:15, so that is when I got there. I didn't even get to see the Dr. until 3:50!! They said they were running behind...uh...yeah I would say so! Then when she finally checked me she said there was no change from last time. Still just dilated a figertip :( Not to mention while she was examing me she told me I have a very small pelvis! I hope that doesn't completely complicate child birth! Needless to say I'm very disappointed, I know I shouldn't be, but I am. I don't know why I am starting to feel so upset about my lack of progress? I think my pregnancy hormones may be catching up with me! I feel like this is the first time during my whole pregnancy that I am being kind of moody, and I don't like it :( I think I will go take a shower and hope to wash this day away and hope tomorrow is better :) Sorry for the vent session.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Big as a house!!

I am getting so big!! It is becoming more and more difficult to sleep at night, actually I pretty much DON'T sleep and night :( I am getting anxious for this little guy to make his way out of me!! I will be patient though, even though I don't want to ;) I am having crazy dreams at night that I'm in labor, but I'm not really asleep, so I feel like I am! Weird. Pregnancy has been quite the ride and I'm sure labor with be a "great" finally! According to my midwife's I am just beginning to dilate, but nothing to speak of. They also say that he is beginning to engage into the pelvis but not quite there :( I have another appt. on Monday so I will keep you updated if there is any change, hopefully something will! Thanks for all your great advice and encouragement throughout this whole process!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

37 Wks!

I'm full term! Yay! I can't believe how fast it has all feels like I just found out I was pregnant. I am nervous for everything, but mainly just very excited to finally get to meet my little guy :) Tony and I still need to get a hospital bag packed and ready just in case. I have had quite the experience with health care and decided to change just a couple weeks ago to a midwife group. I am hoping to have a natural birth, I know I know you all think I'm crazy. I have just done a lot of research and feel if everything goes without need of intervention, I would rather not have it. I am nervous, but really hope that I can do it!! I pray that everything goes smoothly and that my baby comes heathly and happy :)