
Sunday, March 27, 2011

I need a Vacation!

This is were I wish I were after today!! A beach paradise is the only solution to my problems :) Today was AWFUL!! We always seem to have a hard time at Church with River, but every week seems to be getting progressivly worse. What do you do to keep your children enterained during Sacrement meeting? I bring Toys, snacks, books, etc. but no matter what we only seem to last for about 15 mins if we are lucky! Then he has escaped or is screaming to the point that we have to take him out. Today was worse though, after giving him some goldfish crakers he started coughing and then started to gag. I quickly put out my hands in time to catch all his throw up. Tony and I just sat there for a minute not knowing what to do. I stood up quickly and tried to get to the bathroom without drawing to much attention to myself, unfortunatley we were a little late and had to sit on the second row! I had to walk in front of everyone with my hands full of throw up! All I could do was smile as my face turned red. Tony followed behind me with River so we could clean him up too. I cleaned my hands like five times, but couldn't get the smell of throw up off them! I tried to clean River's shirt that had gotten a little on it, but he still smelled like throw up too. I would have just left and changed him, but we had to teach the Marriage and Family class today so that wasn't going to happen. We tried to take Riv to Nursery, but as always he freaked out and started screaming and crying and wouldn't even let go of Tony. We didn't have time to fight it today so we had to bring Riv to our Sunday school class...Joy! So needless to say it was incredibly hard to focus on what I was supposed to be teaching while River was pounding on the piano, crying at my feet for me to pick him up, then "singing" aka screaming when I did pick him up, turning the lights off and on, etc. Tony finally just took him out in the hall. So I was left to teach by myself. I was so frustrated because I felt like the topic was such a good one, but it was just a jumble of mess by the end! The poor people who came to the class must have just been totally annoyed and I wouldn't blame them. Finally the mess of a lesson was over and I went in the hall to find River and Tony walking the halls while River threw a basketball down the hall. I got the basketball and took it back to the gym only to have River crying behind me and then bash his head on the door as I opened it to leave the gym. Really?! The wailing began again, but I was done! I told Tony I was not doing Relief Society today and we were going home. Every Sunday may not be this bad, but seriously they are all pretty out of control. I know every Mother feels this way probably, but I REALLY do have the worst behaved child in are whole ward! Tony and I always say after church that we must be the ward joke and the best form of birth control for anyone without kids! Sacrament is a nightmare only to be followed by another nightmare for the poor nursery leaders. He FREAKS when we take him and usually crys himself to sleep. Luckily for the leaders he will usually fall asleep. Please if you have a child that has gone through you have any tips for me? If nothing else please tell me that he will eventually grow out of this! Sorry for the venting, River is never as bad as he is at church.

P.S. I really do know that this is all really funny and one day I will laugh out loud about it all :)


Jill said...

I'm so sorry Christin. I think most parents have a hard time at church but I think you won the prize. I've had days like that and there's nothing you can really do. You are showing River that it's important to be at church and hopefully he'll see that in a few years. That age is one of the hardest I think. Once he's a little older I think he'll grow out of it, but for now, you just have to smile about it. I know it's not easy because I still haven't learned to smile about those days, but someday I hope to figure it all out. Good luck to you!

Debbie Feller said...

SO SORRY, Christin!!! I remember being so overwhelmed some Sundays!!! Being a Mother is NOT an easy job!!! Hang in there!!
I Love You, Mom

Cindy said...

Oh Christin you poor thing. You are such a wonderful mom and I don't know if this helps, but I didn't notice you walking out with throw up (I was trying to wrestle with my rotten ones :).) I know how you feel. I actually thought we were the ones with the worst kids in the ward that distract everyone from having a nice Sunday. Hopefully that helps you feel better, maybe everyone is just so stressed dealing with their own kids that they don't have time to notice everyone else'. Funny thing is I was just doing a google search on how to get my kids to be reverent during sacrament meeting. It's been 3 years and I still haven't figured it out yet, (other than letting the kids play games on the ipod). I always ask the families at church with the reverent kids how they do it, they just smile (must be a safely guarded secret). I promise if I figure it out I'll let you know. :)

Hope you feel better!

Tate Feller said...

Chrissie, my heart goes out to you and Tony!!! Way to hang in there! I asked you how your lesson went on Facebook and then read your blog. It sounds like it was pretty rough!!!

Amanda said...

I have been there. Jackson used to cry so hard he threw up when I dropped him off at nursery. He got over it in about a month. Try a church only bag with smarties and a magnet toy (my mom has the name). My boys can sit forever with magnets and smarties don't make a big mess and they can't drool yucky colors on their church clothes. Just don't let him play with any of it until sacrament. Good luck! I am sure you are doing GREAT!

Becki said...

i'm obviously not to that point yet, but Sunday's are the worst for us too! we just keep plugging away though, because i hear it gets better in a few years. oh man, i'm so sorry though! sounds like a super rough day. love you

Katie said...

I just wish I would have been there to see it. I would have laughed... and laughed. Man I miss living by you guys.

Clint and Angela said...

I feel the same way about Emalie! She is a little busy body and you never know what church will be like some days are ok and and others are, well just like you said. I have noticed that as time goes on she is getting better. Maybe she is just getting older and maybe she is starting to realize that no matter what she is going to church... just like everything else in raising children, I really don't know if there is one answer as much as I wish there were! Good Luck to both of us!

Laurel said...

I HATE SUNDAY! We are for sure going through the SAME stuff! We spend almost the entire sacrament meeting in the hall and I can't remember the last time I made it through all three hours. Knox just became eligible for nursery, so maybe that will increase my attendance probability.

I wish I had words of advice, but I don't. Just know you're not alone! Call me to vent! Chances are I need to do it, too!